Hudson River Presbytery invites you to Changing the Conversation: Claiming Our Voice, Sept. 27-28

Join J. Herbert Nelson, Director of the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness, and Mark Koenig, Director of the PC(USA) Ministry at the United Nations, for a weekend of theology, advocacy and worship as we explore why and how we are called to employ our unique Christian voice to bring about change in the world.  Share the press release and flyer.  View a one minute video on “Going Deeper” resources to share with your congregation.

On Saturday we’ll gather at Stony Point Center from 9:00-3:30 for a conference. Senior high youth and youth groups are most welcome at the conference and will have opportunities to converse together about making change in school and with other youth. Children’s activities will be provided for children 8 – 14.

Following the conference, we’ll gather at 4:00pm for an d’oeuvres reception in the elegant parlor of Gilmor Sloane House, an 1856 Victorian mansion on the Stony Point Center campus. This is an opportunity to ask in-depth questions about these ministries and offer the financial support of individuals and congregations in Hudson River Presbytery.

All are welcome to join us for Sunday worship which will be simulcast from Pleasantville Presbyterian Church to congregations and sites at 10:00am.